President Trump: “The worst could be behind us around July or August.”

U.S. President Donald Trump spoke at the daily press conference of the Coronavirus Task Force, which has been created to combat the coronavirus. On a question posed as to when the worst would be behind us in the coronavirus crisis, Trump said, “There are those who say July or August, or even later.”

President Trump said, “My son has been asking how bad it is... It’s bad.” and He warned people against getting together in groups of 10 or more.

“Here, I meant that the steps taken by my administration against the virus are under control, not that the virus itself is under control,” said President Trump. “The virus isn't under control anywhere in the world right now.”

Trump, who also stated that the first trial of the vaccine against COVID-19 was being carried out today, said, “This is one of the fastest developed vaccines in history.”

“We may be going towards a recession, but we are faced with an invisible enemy.”

Trump was asked about the fall in the stock market and coronavirus’ impact on the economy as well as concerns regarding a possible recession in the U.S. He said, “We could be heading towards a recession. We are facing an invisible enemy, a problem that no one could know a month ago. Our priority is to eliminate this problem. Then everything will fall into place.”

He said that there could be a major improvement in the economy after the coronavirus crisis and that U.S. airline companies would be supported 100 percent during this process.

Coronavirus Warning from the White House: “Do Your Part”

Following the announcement by President Donald Trump at the press conference of the Task Force established as part of the fight against the coronavirus, the White House issued a series of warnings about measures to prevent the virus from spreading.

The notification, which has been published, contains warnings such as, “Don’t go to work or go out if you are sick,” “Don’t send your children to school if they are sick,” “Don’t go out if anyone from your family has been diagnosed with corona,” and “Don’t go out if you are old aged or have a chronic illness.”

In the statement, the message was given that the public had been advised to do their part in preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Coronavirus Measures at the Pentagon

There has been a statement from the office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense regarding the fight against the coronavirus. It was stated that Secretary Mark Esper would be working from a physically different location than his deputy and the rest of his team.

According to the statement made by a Pentagon spokesperson, restrictions have been brought to visits to Secretary Mark Esper, and visitors were being scanned. In the statement, it was said that so far, 18 soldiers had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Yale Academician Kaveh Khoshnood: “Don’t Panic!”


Kaveh Khoshood, Faculty Director of InnovativeHealth and Program Co-Director of the Global Health Ethics Program at Yale University, spoke to Turk of America on the coronavirus threat. He highlighted that the coronavirus is a brand new virus, and a vaccine license for the coronavirus would take over a year to implement. He also has two recommendations for the public:

a: There is no point to panic or be fearful

b: Don’t ignore the reality

He also stated the following: “U.S. has a lot of resources and can contribute globally. WHO same thing but doesn’t have a position for testing or funding. WHO role to play a source/guidance where it is collecting data from countries. Some countries don’t trust West, however, they trust WHO.”

Latest Developments on Coronavirus (03.17.2020)

Confirmed Cases: 182,100

Death Toll: 7,305

Impacted Countries: 140 countries

Top Leading Countries: China, Italy, Iran

As of today, at least 4,482 people in 49 states, have tested positive for the coronavirus, and at least 86 people have died.