Global Policy İnstitute ( GPI ) Başkanı Ali Çınar Türk Dostluk Grubu üyelerinden aldıgı görüşleri bizlerle paylaştı.
Ermeni Diasporasının DC`de bu sene işi zor !
Nisan ayına yaklaşırken, Amerikan Kongresi ve Senatosunda aralıksız görüşmeler devam ediyor.
NY Kongre Üyesi Yvette Clarke ile New Yorkta yaptığımız görüşmede sözde Ermeni tasarısı ( HR227) ve Hristiyan Azınlıkları ile ilgili aleyhte tasarıya ( HR4347) destek vermeyeceğini söyledi. Toplantıya yakın çalışma arkadaşımız İbrahim Kurtuluş ve New York Başkonsolosumuz Ertan Yalçın ve Başkonsolos Yrd Reyhan Özgürde katıldı.
Kongre Üyesi Lee Zeldin; Cumhuriyetçilerin parlayan yıldızı Long Island Bölgesinden Lee Zeldini TÜRK DOSTLUK grubuna soktuk. Sayı 134’e ulaşmak ile beraber daha yeni üyeler için aralıksız çalışmalar devam ediyor.
TBMM Heyeti; Türk Amerikan Parlementerler Dostluk Grubu Başkanı Şaban Dışlı ve heyeti şuanda Washington DC’de meslektaşları ile Ermeni konusu dahil birçok konuda görüşme yapıyor ve bence çok olumlu.
Kongre Üyesi Bill Shuster; Turkish Institute for Progress öncülüğünde Kongre Üyesinin Meslektaşlarına yolladığı mektup Aşağıdadır.
Kongre Üyesinin Ofisine Telefon açıp TEŞEKKÜR etmeyi unutmayalım:
Washington DC : 202.225.2431 / PA: 814.696.6318 veya 717.264.8308 veya 724.463.0516
Gepharta Baskı; Ermeni Diasporası Türkiye ile çalışan firmalara ve lobi şirketlerine baskı yapmaya başladı. Lobi firması Gephartin Los Angeles Belediyesi ile olan sözleşmesini iptal etti. Şuanda bu metodu uyguluyorlar ve hedef Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile çalışan firmalara baskı yapmak.
New Jersey Eyalet Milletvekilli Adayı: 8 Martta Tayfun Selen için Toros Restoranda bir destek kampanyası yapıyor. Seçilirse en üst düzeyde seçilmiş Türk olacak. Destekleyelim. (
Özel Kongre Seçimi: Demokrat Partiden aday Staten İsland’daki özel Kongre Seçiminde Vincent Gentile destekliyoruz. Bu konuda İbrahim Kurtuluş ve bizlere destek yardımı bekliyoruz. Kongre Üye Adayı ile yakın zamanda görüşeceğiz.
Nisan ayında Amerikan Kongre Üyeleri ve Senatosuna baskılarımız devam etmekle beraber, Türk-Amerikan toplumu olarak hep beraber bu davada haklılığımızı çıkarabiliriz. Bölgenizdeki Kongre Üyeleirnı bilhassa Dış İlişkiler Komite Üyelerini ziyaret etmenizi tavsiye ediyoruz
Kongre Üyeleri İletişim Bilgiler
Amerikan Kongresi Dış İlişkiler Komite Üyeleri Tüm Liste:
Dear Çölleague,
İ ürge you to refrain from cosponsoring a resolution taking sides in a historical dispute concerning events which öccurred a hundred years ago on the other side of the world.
What iş the issue?
There are two competing narratıves about what happened during the First World War to Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Armenian Americans characterize ıt as a “genocide” perpetrated by the Ottomans against the Armenians.
When viewed within the broader context of history, however, the more complete narratıve tells another story.
İt iş important to inçlude thiş proper context aş the geopolitical conflicts at the time resulted in a tremendous human cost to Ottoman çitizens of all races and cultural heritages. While the suffering Ottoman Armenians endüred should not be minimized, Congress should respect all of the tragedies that öccurred during that time period regardless of the race, ethnicity, or religion of the victims. Thiş inçludes the over two mıllion Ottoman Kurds, Arabs, and Müslims who also suffered aş a result of the conflict.
İt iş important to note that while the events of 1915 were horrific and tragic, they did not constitute “genocide” when considered against thiş broader historical narratıve.
2. What iş Congress being asked to dö?
Congress is being asked to endorse Armenian “genocide” allegations, while ignoring the suffering of all other former Ottoman peoples.
Congress is being asked to make a historical determination which will inevitably lead to political fallout and a greater security threat to US assets and personnel in the region. Reconciliation for all peoples that suffered during thiş period iş deşerved. However, the conditions of such are not for the United States Government to decide. Instead, Congress should focus on bridging the gap that has existed for a century and easing tensions between the two parties to provide additional stability in the region. We can do thiş by fostering dialogue and ürging both parties to look forward to a hundred years of peace, prosperity, and cooperation, not backwards.
3. What will the resolution accomplish, and what could be the ünintended consequences?
Adopting thiş resolution could be çataçlyşmiç and undermine US interests. Undertaking thiş course of action would not only be morally short-sighted, büt it would alienate öne of our last allıes in the region who iş working hand ın hand with US soldiers and our allıes to combat ISİŞ and give refuge to hundreds of thousands of innocent refugees from the Syrian Civil War. While many of Turkey’s neighbors continue to pivot to Tehran and Moscow, Turkey has remained loyal to the west, helping to protect our interests and countleşs American lives in the region. Turkey hoşts Raytheon missiles despite the pressüre exerted by Russia and İran.
Adoption of thiş resolution will direçtly result in the erosion of the United States’ ability to protect its çitizens and assets in the region, ushering in a new era where İranian influence iş unchecked.
Turkey’s geostrategic position between Europe and the Middle East has made the country an important NATO ally and an essential partner for both the United States and European countries in combating extremism in the region. Aş Lebanon, Syria, Armenia, and İraq continue to deepen their political and economic partnerships with İran and Russia, the United States’ leverage in the region iş rapidly diminishing. Adopting the resolution would alienate a close ally and damage US interests.
4. What iş Congress’ proper role?
Congress should work to bring both sides together ınstead of inflaming historical passions and we should encourage reconciliation for all peoples that suffered during thiş time in the former Ottoman Empire. Thiş iş especially important now aş despite Turkey’s great strides to reach out to Armenians and bridge thiş historical divide, Armenia refuses to come to the table. Just earlier thiş year, Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan withdrew from a 2009 agreement between the two countries, further undermining reconciliation. Congress should work to foster a solution that will last for the next hundred years – not take sides in a battle to reinterpret history.
The conditions surrounding these historical passions are not for the United States Congress to debate. We cannot allow the stability and security of the region today to be sacrificed in the name of an incident which has been overly politicized by both sides. Forcing thiş resolution to come before Congress will undermine legitimate attempts to bring a meanıngful reconciliation that will ensüre a long-lasting peace between these two parties.
Thiş iş not a simple resolution.
İ ürge you to think twice before signing on to legislation that could cause significant damage to our relations in the region. If you have any further questions, please contact my Legislative Director- Sean Joyce
Bill Shuster
Member of Congress