Turkey’s domestic and national technology breakthrough in recent years and the resulting success are making a significant impact in the global arena. According to a recent report issued by the United Nations, the Turkish-made Kargu-2 UAV is a first of a kind in world history. The report stated that Kargu-2 UAVs, equipped with AI, played an essential role in the defeat of Hafter, the coup leader in Libya.
The report that was presented to the UN Security Council stated that Kargu-2s detected live Hafter targets and carried out autonomous attacks based on the data in their databases without taking commands thanks to their AI, and emphasized that this was a first in the history of the world.
Equipped with an enhanced target acquisition algorithm named “Turkey’s soldiers in the sky,” the new generation kamikaze drone Kargu-2 was widely mentioned in the latest report issued by the Panel of Experts on Libya that was commissioned under the United Nations.
The report, which had a big impression on the global press, stated that the autonomous attack carried out by Kargu-2s was the first attack carried out by unmanned aerial vehicles on their initiatives.
full report: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N21/037/72/pdf/N2103772.pdf?OpenElement